Andreas Grigorjew

A picture of me reading at a Finnish cottage

About me

I am a doctoral student at the University of Helsinki in the Department of Computer Science, supervised by Alexandru I. Tomescu. I am part of the Graph Algorithms Team.

My research interests broadly lie in theoretical computer science and include graph theory, network flows, algorithms and combinatorics. I also study the design of algorithms for computational problems that arise from Biology.
During my doctoral studies I was very fortunate to spend one week at the Max Planck Institute for Biology, Tübingen for research collaboration with Hajk-Georg Drost, three weeks at the University of Verona for collaboration with Romeo Rizzi and two months at the Montana State University for collaboration with Brendan Mumey.
I am always interested in working on interesting problems together, you are welcome to get in touch!

In my free time, I enjoy strolling around, hiking or bouldering. I am also trying to master playing the violin and the Finnish language.

Theoretical Computer Scientists for Future


Postal address: Department of Computer Science, P.O. Box 68, FI-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland
Physical address: Pietari Kalmin katu 5, 00560 Helsinki, Finland
Email: contact [at] andreasgrigorjew [dot] de (PGP key)


Publications and preprints

Note that authors in publications in theoretical computer science are usually ordered alphabetically, while authors in publications in Bioinformatics are ordered by contribution.



I was a teaching assistant in the following courses holding exercise classes:
